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Individual Subscriptions

In order to purchase an individual CyVerse subscription, please see Subscribe

Table: CyVerse Individual Subscription Tiers (Spring 2025)

Service Basic (Free) Regular Pro Commercial
Discovery Environment Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data Store Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Features & APIs - - Yes Yes
Data Storage Limit 5 GB 50 GB 4 TB 7 TB
Compute Units / Year* 200 1,000 25,000 250,000
Access to GPU** - - contact us contact us
Concurrent Jobs 1 2 4 8
Sharing Data & Apps None 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Community Released Data Folder Requests None Yes Yes Yes
DOI for Data None 5 10 20
Workshop Requests - - 4 8
Webinar Access Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support Email In-App Chat Screen Share Support Screen Share Support
Price / Year Free $200 $400 $2,400

Teaching with CyVerse

CyVerse was built as a free to use, open source cyberinfrastructure project for everyone to use. It is a privilege to offer access to the most cutting edge data science tools and computing environments in the world to students from the most under resourced and under served corners of our country with the worst internet connections.

Free "basic" account holders are intended to be undergraduates or continuing education students. The "basic" account comes with enough computing hours in the Discovery Environment for a student to complete two semester's worth (one academic year) of a courses computational assignments.

Students should be mindful of their allocation hours and use them conservatively. Analyses should not be left idle or running overnight when not in use, as they take away from the shared resource pool, and they rapidly deplete a student's free account.

Teachers should purchase a "Pro" or "Commericial" subscription, so that they can share data with their students, and request a Community Release folder, if need be.