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Logging in to the Discovery Environment (DE)

When you first open the de Discovery Environment, you'll see the home Home Dashboard.


Discovery Environment Home

The home Home Dashboard contains links to News, recent YouTube Videos, & Featured Apps.

The left side navigation menu shows icons for accessing different parts of the DE. The menu can be expanded by clicking on the three bars in the top left.


  • home Home/Dashboard: Your main control panel that may display summary widgets, quick links to recent activities, or educational content such as tutorials and webinars.
  • data Data: This interface connects you to the Data Store. Here, you can manage your files, including uploading, downloading, organizing, and sharing data. You'll have access to your personal storage space and shared directories.
  • apps Apps: Discover various applications, including VICE (Visual Interactive Computing Environment) apps for interactive computing sessions. You can browse, search, and launch these applications based on your research needs.
  • analyses Analyses: View and manage your computational tasks. This section logs your history of analysis jobs, allowing you to monitor current processes, review completed ones, and access resulting data.
  • cloudshell Cloud Shell: Access a Linux shell environment directly within the DE. This feature enables advanced users to perform command-line operations without leaving the platform.
  • teams Teams: Create and manage collaboration groups. Teams allow you to group together with other users for easier sharing of data, analyses, and other collaborative efforts.
  • collections Collections: Explore public collections of data and apps curated by other users or the CyVerse team. This resource can be invaluable for finding information relevant to your studies.
  • help Help: Access various support materials, including FAQs, guides, and contact information for direct assistance from the CyVerse support team.

Sign in from the upper right corner of the DE and click the profile profile icon or clicking the Login link. If you attempt to view the Data Store or launch an App, you will see a pop-up:


When signing in you will be redirected to our Authentication Service. Enter your CyVerse username and password.

If you don't have an account yet or you've forgotten your password, you can visit to create an account.


After logging in, you'll be returned to the home Home Dashboard.

If you were already on the apps Apps or data Data when you logged in, you'll return to that page.

You can take a short tour of the DE's main features by clicking the help icon help in the left sidebar and selecting "Product Tour".