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Teach using CyVerse

The User Portal provides a mechanism for onboarding entire workshops or class courses, by granting your students immediate access to CyVerse platforms and services.

For Instructors

Step 1 Request a Workshop

Instructors start by completing the CyVerse Resources for Training Request Form.

Avoid conflicts with Maintenance days!

When scheduling your workshop or class, note that CyVerse conducts regular maintenance of its platforms typically on the first Tuesday of the month, with most services unavailabe during that time.

Step 2 Select your services

In the workshop form, choose which services you want to use for your teaching. Enrollees will then have access to those services without needing to request them.

Common platforms are: Data Store (data management), Discovery Environment (analyses), VICE (integrated environments and visualization), and Jetstream2(cloud computing).

Step 3 Select your Host, Instructor(s) / Organizer(s)

You can make other CyVerse users Instructors or Organizers of your workshop; these users will have administrative rights to modify the workshop template and to add and approve student/attendee accounts.

Step 4 Enroll your participants

In the workshop builder, you can enroll existing CyVerse users by using their first/lastname or email address or username.

You can pre-enroll new email addresses as well. We recommend using .edu, .gov, or .org email addresses.

Students can also use the URL for the workshop/class to enroll themselves. Anyone who self-enrolls subsequently must be approved by the Workshop/Class Admin or Instructor.

Step 5 Create documentation

The CyVerse Learning Center provides templates for creating documentation for your class, e.g., Quick Starts, Guides, Tutorials, and Manuals on its GitHub Organization.

For Students

In order to view the User Portal Workshops page the students must first create their own CyVerse account.

Set Up an Account

Students MUST use their institutional email addresses

Students must use their official email addresses (.edu, .org, .gov) so that their identities can be verified by CyVerse staff.,, etc., email accounts will not be approved for access to the Discovery Environment Interactive Apps.

For graduate students or professionals, additional verification can be accomplished by creating and importing an ORCID