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WebDAV Access using File Managers

Most operating systems include a file manager that supports WebDAV, allowing you to mount a WebDAV directory as part of the filesystem. This enables other applications on the same computer to access data in the Data Store as if it were local.

macOS Finder

Follow these steps to connect using macOS Finder:

  1. Open Finder.
  2. In the menu bar, click GoConnect to Server (Command + K).
  3. Enter the WebDAV URL for the folder you want to access.
  4. If prompted, enter your CyVerse username and password.

Windows File Exploer

To connect using Windows File Explorer:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Right-click This PC and select Map Network Drive.
  3. Click Choose a custom network location, then Next.
  4. Enter the WebDAV URL for the folder you want to access.
  5. If prompted, enter your CyVerse username and password.

Gnome Files

To connect using GNOME Files on Linux:

  1. Open Files.
  2. In the sidebar, click Other Locations.
  3. Under Connect to Server, enter the WebDAV URL for the folder you want to access.
    Note: TLS-encrypted WebDAV URLs use davs:// instead of https://, so CyVerse URLs should be formatted as:
  4. Click Connect.
  5. If prompted, enter your CyVerse username and password.

Linux Terminal

To mount a WebDAV folder via the Linux terminal, root or sudo access is required:

  1. Install davfs2 (e.g., on Ubuntu: sudo apt install davfs2).
  2. Create a mount point:
    mkdir /tmp/data
  3. Mount the WebDAV directory:
    sudo mount -o gid=<your_user>,uid=<your_user> -t davfs <webdav_url> /tmp/data
    • Replace <your_user> with your Linux username.
    • Replace <webdav_url> with the WebDAV folder URL.
  4. If prompted, enter your CyVerse username and password.

WebDAV Access Information

Use the following credentials to connect to the Data Store:

Key Value
username <CyVerse Username>
password <CyVerse Password>

Use these credentials for anonymous access to the Data Store:

Key Value
username anonymous
password (leave empty)

Data Locations

  1. User Data
    Users can access their data at:<username>/
  2. Public Data (Read-Only Access)
    Anonymous users can access public data at:

  3. Community/Project Data
    To access project-specific data stored in iRODS at /iplant/home/shared/<project>/, use:<project>/

  4. CyVerse Curated Data (DOI-Backed Datasets)
    Access curated datasets with DOIs in the Data Commons at: